Participate now in the Goi Peace Foundation's international writing competition

Write a letter from the future to yourself in 2020. If you are less than 25 years old, you can participate and win up to $900 and a trip to Japan.

The Goi Peace Foundation is an international foundation based in Japan that aims to promote the values of peace and cooperation between individuals and organizations in order to create a harmonious global society.  

Every year the foundation organizes an international literary competition dedicated to young people up to the age of 25, in order to collect their ideas, input and creativity for the promotion of the culture of peace and sustainability.  

The theme of this year's competition is "A letter from Myself in 2030". Imagine the ideal world in 10 years' time and write a letter from yourself in 2030 to yourself in the present (2020), describing the state of the world, how people live and what your role in society is.  

The winner will receive $900 and the chance to attend the award ceremony in Tokyo in November (all expenses paid). The runner-up will win $450.  

You can write your text in English, French, Spanish, German or Japanese. The deadline to participate is June 15!  

For more information see the official website (in English):

You can also download the competition notice in German, French or Spanish.