Learning Languages

Switzerland is a very interesting country to be learning a new language. Although the country is tiny there are four national languages: German, French, Italian and Rhaeto-Romanic. But be aware: In the German-speaking parts people actually speak a dialect of German, the Schwiizerdütsch – depending of the area you are in, the dialect also varies a lot. So make sure to have an impression of how it sounds. This video might help you with that.

Language Tandem

If you’d like to learn the language in a social context and get to know a Swiss person you could try to do a language tandem. You can find a partner in the data bank of Sprachtandem. You have to register, which is for free. Required data is i.a. year of birth, name and mail address (which is not visible for people visiting the page). After that you are able to contact the people who also signed up for the language tandem.

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