Looking for the perfect university to study consumes a lot of time. A great help are the homepages of swissuniversities and erudera. There you can find useful information about the grading system in Switzerland and the requirements for admission in the different universities or schools in Switzerland. You can check how much the semester fees are and what faculties and disciplines each uni/ high school offers. The basic semester fee is around 800 CHF. This can increase if you choose a special subject. In the website of erudera you can find useful tips for travelling and living in Switzerland.
Here we provide you with some basic information about Swiss universities/higher schools:
Official regulations
People studying in Switzerland must meet the following conditions:
Generally, Swiss universities/schools/colleges are not organised in a campus system. Different departments and faculties are sometimes spread all over the city. That means you may have to use public transport to change from one class to the next. So living on campus is not common in Switzerland, different to English-speaking countries.
As in other unis/schools in your country, 1 credit point accounts for 30 hours of workload. Here you find more information on the Bologna System in Switzerland.
Due to the fact that there is no real campus anywhere, accommodation spreads all over the cities too. This means finding the perfect accommodation could take some time. There are some locally useful sites and forums on how and where to find student accommodation or accommodation affordable for students. Every university/school homepage offers a section with information, just look out for rubrics like living etc. Nationwide, we recommend wgzimmer. In English you can adjust your settings on what to find in which area/city and in what price range. Further there is Housing Anywhere which offers incoming students opportunities to look for accommodation. However, in Switzerland there is only the capital, Berne, as city registered.