Discover South Tyrol's mountains as a volunteer

Short and medium-term alpine volunteering for those over 18 years old

The Mountain Volunteer Association was born from the idea that to help people in difficulty a donation of money is not the only possible option. In the case of the South Tyrolean mountains, assistance, support and help on the spot are often much more decisive than just financial support. For this reason the Association puts volunteers and people in need of help in contact with each other.


Volunteering in the mountains is possible from the age of 18 and you can also participate as a couple or with a friend. The duration ranges from a minimum of 6 working days to a maximum of 3 months. There are various jobs to do: in the fields, in the stable, in the woods or at home and with the children. Generally you will have to help the farmers from 7/8 in the morning until 18/20 in the evening.


The only cost to be incurred is the travel expenses. To participate you can register all year round using the form: